
The success of any business lies in the efficient management of three things: Process, People & Technology.

This is the core of Business Management across disciplines. The entire interaction of these three “Pillars” creates value for any business. Working in silos, they fail to create any impact. Our expertise can help you create value and achieve the otherwise seemingly illusive competitive advantage by aligning these three pillars of success.


So how could one business be so successful and yet the majority fail, even while operating in the same industry? The secret is in managing these three drivers of success which needs to be aligned with your critical business processes to ensure a successful business strategy.

Although we started solely as a Knowledge Portal, over time, we have received many requests to help out firms with their problems. With already such a rich treasure of knowledge existing with us, with our authors, who are all in their own rights, Technology and Management Gurus, we decided to take the plunge into consulting whereby we provide our expertise to those who seek it.

Our advisory frameworks and Best-in-Class accelerators ensure that the value is delivered to our clients through an accelerated rate which ensure not only high RoI achievement but also lower the time to generate returns from business ventures. With years of research which goes into the development of these frameworks, it is ensured that the industry specific best practices are integrated with high impact futuristic frameworks backed by scientific management theories. Not only is your RoI protected, but also enhanced in the process.

We provide advisory services primarily in the following domains:


Our also provide consulting and advisory services through our associate consultants in these domains:

To contact us for consulting requirements, please go through the contact details provided below, for more information:

Contact Details

E-Mail ID     :

Phone         : +91-90077-82107 ; +91-70421-30512

Address      : Teck Talk, 28/1 Convent Road; Kolkata, India. Pin: 700014.

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